Here we go with part 2 – Creating an Underbase, so you can print on all color tees, and especially black garments. The quick youtube walk throughs is basically the 2nd easiest Spot Sep to pull off, and although it is not always needed it is always good to include in your file. It is essentially the2nd anchor to the sep, because from the underbase you can always tell if your black is correct. Basically you don’t want to underbase any black ink, so it is esentially the opposite of black…of course I’m simplifying it a bit, but you get jist of it.. Feel free to comment with any questions, and if you are still confused, not to worry…we all struggled with seps in the beginning. It really is a forgotten art form, and often overlooked in the industry. You’re print will really only be as good as the sep, and the skill of the printer. So without much more to say, here is the video…

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