Here we go with part 3 – Setting up a highlight white film and getting the DCS output file saved and ready to work with. The highlight film is another pretty straight forward sep to pull off, although sometimes it gets screwy with some light greys and yellows. If you created you art with this in mind…no problem, but if you are working from a flattened file, you will have some manual clean up ahead of you. The importance of the highlight white will basically give you the pop you are looking for on many of your colors…just make sure you don’t over do it.

Feel free to comment with any questions, and if you are still confused, not to worry…we all struggled with seps in the beginning. It really is a forgotten art form, and often overlooked in the industry. You’re print will really only be as good as the sep, and the skill of the printer. So without much more to say, here is the video…

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