Here we go with part 5 – Continuing on with the guts of the sep…the ever aggravating  grey film. Well not really but a lot of times it seems to get muddied up with some of the other colors. Hopefully this will help some of you out there who have issues getting a nice grey. In all honesty the best way to get a clean and crisp grey film is to create the art with that in mind from the start, so you can isolate it easier during the sep process.

Any questions, and if you are still confused, not to worry…we all struggled with seps in the beginning. It really is a forgotten art form, and often overlooked in the industry. You’re print will really only be as good as the sep, and the skill of the printer. So without much more to say, here is the video…


1 Comment
  1. I really appreciate the sepping tutorials…I was wondering if you are going to continue with these or not?

    Thank You

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