Just some fun new designs

Nothing super out of the ordinary here, just some random participation entries on emptees.com. They are done fairly loosely, so we were actually thinking they may have some salable value if we fine tune them and offer them on the store. Any feedback is welcome, and hopefully

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Another Simulated Spot Sep FAQ

Another Simulated Spot Sep FAQ

The biggest thing beginner printers overlook is their Rip, Film quality and the actual printing ability. I have seen perfect seps pinted like crap by niovice printers, and horrendous seps look like works of art by veteran printers. The spot color simulated sep can very easily be

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The Eternyl name

I’ve been getting a few emails on what exactly is the story behind the name Eternyl? So I thought this would be a good time to elaborate, and in the same move, update our about page, to better cover our philosophy… It’s kind of weird and cool

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